The Unusual Way to Build Company Loyalty

company loyalty TMF

No I am not going to tell you something out of this world on how to ensure loyalty from your employees. These are just few of the unusual ways how you can make your employees happy which will increase the productivity and motivation levels of employees and eventually the profits.

It’s not strange that workers aren’t as productive or enthusiastic as they used to be. One reason is rising job expectations that force them to spend a lot of time browsing Craigslist so they can switch as soon as they get even a slightly better job.

Your business survival is now dependent on two types of differentiation:

  1. Product differentiation.
  2. Unique employee benefits.

Employees are trading in their hatred and bitterness for a hostile, fierce job market for company loyalty and self-fulfillment. These unique perks can range from a $5 haircuts to life-time memberships for fitness clubs. Take the example of Google who is listed number on Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work. There employee benefits include free meals, doctors, washing machines and many other unusual stuff.

Timberland, a company with an income that exceeds 100 million a year provide benefits like a subsidy of $3000 on a hybrid car purchases by employees. But only multibillion companies can only provide these kind of benefits to their employees. Fortunately there are many low-cost benefits that can be offered to employees to increase their satisfaction:

  • Order a free meal once in a while, especially during projects.
  • Provide direct deposits so that your employee won’t have to visit banks regularly.
  • Provide interest-free computer loans.
  • Give a vacation on your employee’s birthday.
  • Offer few work-at-home days.
  • Offer them movie or baseball tickets so they can get a chance to relax.
  • Have regular refreshment and movie nights.
  • Provide free and tasty coffee to your employees.
  • Offer Yoga class for free to relieve stress.

Adding these or similar perks and see how your employee’s loyalty will increase. Whether it’s a professional baseball game or a free lunch, make sure you keep workers happy which can turn up as a silver lining in the dark cloud i.e. today’s market

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